The calendar year kinda sucks, so we’re making a new one…

Last year I was invited to co-facilitate a program with my wonderful friend, mentor, counsellor, doula and sometimes client, Emma Holdsworth. We had always adored each others work and it was finally time to co-create something together. It was even more supportive, nourishing and impactful than we could have dreamed, so when it came time to do it again this year, we initially planned to structure the timeline in a similar way. But then we had a big realisation. Over dinner and a glass (or two) of wine, we discovered something, a frustration and then crafted our idea for a solution.

A mini revolution as we do. This is that story, and an invitation…

Reimagining calendars & seasons of support and action.

The HELD experience with Emma & Sarah was always designed as a year of support.

Long enough to really get to know each other and feel deeply immersed in the program. Within those 12 months, this time the 8 retreat days are is delivered in four pairs. A simple schedule with a big impact.

As always we craft our offers based on our personal experiences first. We listen to our clients, our friends, our community and ourselves, to assess what might be most nurturing for the folks we want to support.

In our most recent planning session, it became very clear, that the calendar year SUCKS. Well, for caregivers, mothers and anyone navigating the mainstream majority schedule, that is. Which is most of us.

Unless you've been able to entirely opt out of the dominant culture (and wow, go you), the late Oct to mid Feb season feels more brutal (and potentially beautiful) than ever.

So we want to create something else, that ACTUALLY supports mothers and carers. We pondered the mid-year option and decided that sucks too. Still too much pressure and financial year stress (in Aus at least).

So we invite you to join us in embracing the 'Mother's Year'!

The Mother's Year is a May to April kind of year. An Autumn first and Summer last kind of year.

Our Mother's Year starts in May, coinciding with Mothers Day, and starts to wind down at the end of the warmer months (in Aus).

The Goldilocks of time periods, early enough in the year to feel like momentum but not so early it feels like just another pressure to 'new year, new you' or squeeze another event on your calendar while you're getting kids off to care/school and/or getting back to work.

We are skipping school holidays, surrendering term 1 and creating scaffolding that hopefully actually supports the creative, courageous caregivers.
Encouraging them to both, receive the support they crave and deserve, but also leave space and grace for the realities of parenting, caregiving, living, working and resting amongst the dominant cultural structure of school, work & holiday seasons.

We've taken a temperature check, for ourselves and for you, and decided starting our next HELD program in February is not how we want to roll.

We want to give and receive spaciousness.
We want to give and receive long payment plans.
We want to give and receive room to delve into resources deeply, to experience opportunities in ways that feel joyful, easeful and memorable.

And with that, we're announcing the reimagined HELD calendar for the next 18 months:

'HELD Retreats' program dates:
Feb to Apr '24 ~ Sign ups & pay plans begin anytime
5 Apr '24 ~ HELD Haven the online portal for chats & resources opens for members
17 & 18 May '24 ~ HELD Retreat Day Pair # 1
23 & 24 Aug ‘24 ~ HELD Retreat Day Pair # 2
15 & 16 Nov ‘24 ~ HELD Retreat Day Pair # 3
21, 22, 23 Feb ‘25 ~ HELD Celebration Retreat # 4 (optional sleepovers)

'HELD Social' dates:
5 Apr '24 ~ 4pm Friday, The Mothers Day Party you actually want (& deserve)
18 Oct '24 ~ 4pm Friday, The Xmas party you actually want (& deserve)

And with enough notice that you can guard the calendar like its the last piece of cake. Keen?

Systems and cycles aren’t gonna break themselves are they?
Join us in the co-creation of something different.
A new way, our way, your way.

So much love,

Sarah (and Emma)

PS. Wanna find out more and maybe even join us? Check it out here.


Pricing Ponderings


Is the ripple effect enough? I hope so…